What Is MOPS?

MOPS stands for “Mothers Of Preschoolers” – but don’t be confused by the name. MOPS is about meeting the needs of mothers with children the ages of conception to kindergarten through local groups to help them realize their potentials as mothers, women, and examples in relation to Jesus Christ. The vision of MOPS extends to all mothers whether suburban, urban, rural, stay-at-home, working, adoptive, special-needs, single or married.


We would love for you to join our monthly MOPS meetings! A MOPS meeting includes fellowship with other mothers as well as practical teaching through speakers, demonstrations, and videos. Sometimes we get a little crafty and we always have fun!


Join us at Brentwood Christian School on the second and fourth Monday of the month (September-May)





What To Expect

A MOPS meeting includes practical teaching through speakers, demonstrations and videos. Plus, there’s usually food… food you didn’t make! But more importantly, you’ll get to have honest conversations with other moms who understand the joys and frustrations of motherhood.


Who Can Come

We’ve all been placed in this time and place in history, as the tribe of women who are raising the world. We know we mother better together, so all moms are welcome at MOPS. From the time you get pregnant to when your kiddo is in Kindergarten, our doors are open.


For The Kids

The MOPPETS program is a preschool-style experience your kiddos will love.

BCS MOPS Director:
De Shondra Booker
(512) 835-5983 ext. 111
Call Now