
Brentwood Christian School values exposure to the fine arts quantitatively providing one of the top performing fine arts programs in the state. Choir, Band, and Art electives begin with entry into the fifth grade and students have the opportunity to participate in Orchestra which is part of Brentwood’s enrichment program. In addition to Choir, Band, Art and Orchestra, Secondary students can add Drama to their daily studies. Opportunities to participate are numerous: The school band and grade-level choirs are regular performers at school functions. The Drama department puts on a number of stage productions each year that are always well-received.

  • Our honors choir, “Encore”, can be counted on to perform for a variety of events each year around the city and across Texas.
  • The Fine Arts department puts on a large yearly production that involves many students from various fine arts positions.
  • Unlike many schools that shine in only one or two areas of fine arts, Brentwood Christian School excels in all areas of fine arts consistently producing top scores at competition.
  • Many past and current students who had never thought of themselves as performers or artists have been known to remark that their participation in these activities was a highlight of their BCS experience.

Brentwood Christian boasts a multi-million dollar, state of the art facility including a 390-seat theater and spacious band and choir halls with practice rooms. The construction of this facility was funded by the generous donations of the Brentwood Christian community. The fine arts continue to be supported financially and administratively by the Fine Arts Benefactors or FAB. This parent led group assists with ticket sales, fundraising, providing food to students at late practices as well as helping in other important ways.

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