Ways to Give

You may wish to give a single gift, a monthly gift or you may be able to give multiple gifts. BCS is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Unlike tuition, gifts to Brentwood Christian School are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.

Thank you for considering how you can invest in Brentwood Christian School. This ministry of education is only possible as friends of BCS join together in prayer and provide the funding for the purpose of serving children through education. 


Blessing our Bears

Nearly half of the students at BCS receive some form of tuition reduction with nearly 15% of those students receiving significant financial aid in order to continue their education at BCS. Blessing our Bears is the financial aid program that distributes 100% of every dollar given in tuition relief for families in need.




Corporate Matching

Several of our families take advantage of corporate matching gifts. Find out whether your employer participates in a matching gift program, and contact the Development Office at 512-835-5983 so we can help you increase your donation on behalf of the students at BCS! 

Designated Giving

Unrestricted gifts give us the greatest flexibility to use funds where they are most needed.​ Individuals and families often want to make a monetary donation to a specific area of the school such as Fine Arts or Athletics. We invite you to contact the Development Office at 512-835-5983 to discuss ideas that you might have to give to specific areas of the school.

Honor & Memorial Gifts

You may desire to pay tribute to someone special with an Honor or Memorial Gift. A letter of acknowledgment will be sent to the person or family advising them of the gift. The gift amount will not be disclosed.

Legacy Giving - Estate Planning

Legacy giving is a way to make a financial investment in the future of Brentwood Christian School. This method of giving allows individuals and families to support the work of Brentwood Christian far into the future. It’s a gift that demonstrates a lasting legacy of faith and an example of Godly stewardship. This gift to Brentwood Christian School is given in the future through a will or other form of designation. It’s a gift made during the financial planning process and takes into account an individual’s charitable wishes. Please contact the Development Office at 512-835-5983 for more information.

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Tax-Free IRA Transfers

Taxpayers 70½ or older can distribute up to $100,000 each year, tax-free, directly from your IRA to Brentwood Christian School. This type of charitable distribution can apply towards the Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) and still be excluded from adjusted gross income. If you and your spouse file a joint tax return, your spouse can also make a charitable contribution of up to $100,000.

Gifts of Stocks & Securities

Brentwood Christian School accepts donations of securities at any dollar value.

One of the most popular assets used for charitable giving are stocks held over one year and that have a larger increase in value from a portfolio. Donating these stocks allows more tax savings per dollar donated.

If this type of donation is of interest to you, please contact us for more information regarding our brokerage firm. BCS policy is that marketable securities will be sold upon receipt, so you know that your funds donated will immediately realize benefit to the school.

Real Estate Donations

Under certain circumstances, gifts of real estate may be accepted. Contact the Development Office at 512-835-5983 to discuss.

In-Kind Donations

Some in-kind donations of equipment, materials, and supplies may be accepted. Please contact the Development Office at 512-835-5983 to discuss how a donation of this type might help the school.

Donor Advised Funds

One of the simplest ways to give real estate, stocks, mutual funds, or commodities is through a Donor Advised Fund. This is an account you create directly with us for setting aside money or assets, receiving immediate tax benefits and allowing you the flexibility to distribute gifts over time. It’s like having your own charitable giving account.

Please note the above does not constitute legal advice and all deductions should be done in accordance with IRS regulations. We recommend you consult your CPA or tax attorney for any tax or legal advice.

Contact Our Director of Devolvement:
Jennifer Smeltzer
(512) 835-5983, ext. 105

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