The Greatest In The Kingdom Of Heaven

The Greatest In The Kingdom Of Heaven

Hello BCS Community,   We are mid-way through September and your BCS community is buzzing. From late night volleyball games to early morning cross country to mid-day recess – something is always happening at BCS. Hearing the rhythm of the drumline and the sounds...
Our Blessed Students

Our Blessed Students

There has been so much bad news lately about this nation’s schools. From terrible tragedies to questionable morality to a complete separation from God, our nation’s schools are hurting. For many of you, this is the reason you have chosen to partner with Brentwood. You...
Did You Know?

Did You Know?

Let’s talk about our Bears. Did you know that we have three students who are National Merit Scholarship students?  Did you know that only 5 private schools in all of central Texas have students who made the National Merit Scholarship list and Brentwood has 3 students...
Sing and Be Happy

Sing and Be Happy

Yesterday was definitely a Monday!  It was a busy morning and that was capped off with the view outside my window of kids rapidly exiting the Upper Elementary building as the fire alarm was screeching.  Since we had a “fire drill” last week, I knew this wasn’t a test,...
Trust in God, Be Blessed

Trust in God, Be Blessed

“Trust in self, be depressed. Trust in others, be distressed. TRUST IN GOD, BE BLESSED.” At the beginning of the football season, Coach Caffey passed out business cards to players and parents with the Bear ensign and “BCS Athletics” on one side, and the saying above...
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