Spelling Bee – The Road to DC

Spelling Bee – The Road to DC

The spelling bee is a long-held tradition at Brentwood Christian School. Students in each class from 1st to 8th grade compete in a classroom competition, those winners go on to compete in the school-wide spelling bee. This year’s bee looked a little different as most...
2019-20 Elementary Awards

2019-20 Elementary Awards

Our year ended on a much different note that in the previous years. Instead of having a fun-filled kindergarten and 5th grade graduation and end of school party, we had a drive through graduations for our students. We feel it is important to honor our elementary...
PSIA Recognizes Some Outstanding Bears!

PSIA Recognizes Some Outstanding Bears!

Even during these unprecedented times, our Bears are still doing amazing things! 8th graders Renne Cooper, Juliet Booker, and Lucy Belcik have all been recognized by the Private School Interscholastic Association (PSIA) for their outstanding work! The Private School...
Big Summer Updates!

Big Summer Updates!

I hope this message finds you in the middle of a wonderful summer! With the heat beginning to really hit here in Austin I thought it would be a good time to update you on the fast moving summer we are having on campus in preparation for the upcoming school year. We...
Teachers – Called to Change Lives

Teachers – Called to Change Lives

In 1980 Congress declared the first ever National Teacher Day on March 7. In 1985, due to the efforts of the National PTA, Teacher Appreciation Week was established and is now observed on the first full week in May each year. As we come to the end of Teacher...
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