Even during these unprecedented times, our Bears are still doing amazing things! 8th graders Renne Cooper, Juliet Booker, and Lucy Belcik have all been recognized by the Private School Interscholastic Association (PSIA) for their outstanding work!

The Private School Interscholastic Association (PSIA) is an educational organization that has been serving all private school students in 1st-8th grade since 1997. PSIA offers 62 academic contests in Math, Science, Language Arts, Speech, Social Studies, Research, and Fine Arts. PSIA remains the most comprehensive academic extracurricular program in America for elementary and middle school students.


Renne Cooper

Renne has been awarded a $500 scholarship from PSIA for his outstanding academic achievements and equally outstanding character. Renne’s teacher, Mrs. Graessle had this to say:

“Renne has not only excelled at math competitions, but he has helped his classmates to do so, as well. He is an encourager. The way he learns and teaches, with a humble unassuming attitude is beautiful to see; he is an excellent teammate. Specifically, he helped lead his team to Ist place in TCSIT MS Team Math for the past two years. On a bigger scale, he helped lead BCS to a 1st place sweepstakes finish for middle school at PSIA State last year.”

While the PSIA State meet was cancelled this year, Renne did get 1st place in Number Sense at the District meet and has gotten first place in State every year since 5th grade. In addition to Number Sense, Renne has placed in District and State in many other PSIA and TCSIT math categories. In 7th grade, Renne also won the school-wide Geography Bee.


Juliet Booker

Juliet has participated in PSIA since 1st grade and has been awarded a $100 scholarship for her outstanding academic achievements and equally outstanding character. Juliet’s teacher, Mr. Larson had this to say:

“Juliet stands out in many academic leadership roles. She was the president of the National Elementary Honor Society and holds the same office in the National Junior Honor Society. She is currently is maintaining an excellent GPA, which is a very tough task considering her course load as an 8th grader which includes high school courses: Spanish 1 and Algebra 1. Not only is she accomplished academically, but musically talented as well. She has been part of the University of Texas string project for 3 years. She was selected to be part of the Honor’s Recital as a violinist…one of 10 chosen from a field of 250. Juliet is also a member of the Austin Youth Orchestra. I could go on and on about Juliet, but words could never do justice to describe her. Her smile lights up the room, her passion for learning is only overshadowed by her love for the Lord.”

Juliet has placed in Music Memory at the PSIA State level every year since 3rd grade. She even received a special honor in 6th grade for receiving a perfect score two years in a row! She has competed and placed in other categories for PSIA, was a part of the team that won 1st place at Texas Christian Schools Interscholastic Team Music Memory in 2019, and a BCS citizen of the year in 2018 and 2019.


Lucy Belcik

Lucy is one of the writing contest winners for PSIA in the 8th grade category. Her writing piece will be featured in the new Writing Handbook for this coming year! Lucy’s teacher, Ms. Hunter had this to say:

“Lucy is a gifted writer, and she uses this gift to God’s glory. She is one of the most thoughtful and hard working people I know. Lucy blesses others around her through her beautiful writing, encouraging spirit, and positive attitude.”

To read Lucy’s beautifully written winning piece please click here!


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