Our world looks a little different these days and it would be very easy to focus on all of the negativity. We all miss seeing our friends and we miss the normal day to day things we did and took for granted prior to this pandemic. The news doesn’t make looking on the bright side any easier as their stories are filled with fear-inducing headlines. However, God’s word tells us that we are not to be fearful and that God is always looking over us.


“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
– Joshua 1:9

Last week we had our first chapel since spring break. The format for our online weekly chapel has stayed the same as if we were all physically together in the auditorium, including a discussion topic. Mrs. Ashley asked us to think about the positive things that have come from our current situation. There is no doubt that some wonderful discussions were had by our families during this time of worship. One of our high school teachers, Mr. Witcher, took it a step further and posed this question to his 9th Bible and 12th grade Humanities classes online. Click the links below to see the positive things our students have come up with.


9th Grade Responses >>

12th Grade Responses >>

Just look at all of the wonderful things to come from our new normal. More time with family, a chance to rest, life slowing down, unity, more time with God and many other gems. I know we are all ready for life to go back to the way it was, to hug our friends, cheer on our Bear and Lady Bear athletes, and attend fine art events, but remember to focus on the positives and do not be afraid. Everything in life is either a blessin’ or a lesson, oftentimes it is both. 

It is still a great day to be a Brentwood Bear!

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