It’s easy to see why middle school is such an exciting time for both the students and parents. This is a time where students have the opportunity to make choices on items they have not been able to before. There is a stronger sense of independence with students following their own schedules and developing their own interests.There are different types of opportunities available for parents and students to be together at events that both are involved in. With the excitement of these changes can come some challenges. Your child is making the transition into a young adult, and this time can feel very awkward for them. This is very normal. I would encourage you to keep open communication with your child as they are going through these changes. Your conversations might start being about topics that have not been an interest before, but know that it is still very important for your child to talk to you about these things. Proverbs 22:6 says “train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Your conversation on these topics are very valuable to the upbringing of your child. I pray for your time during this stage of life and look forward to supporting your child on campus.

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