Let’s talk about our Bears.

Ben Helyer National Merit Scholarship Semi Finalist

Did you know that we have three students who are National Merit Scholarship students?

 Did you know that only 5 private schools in all of central Texas have students who made the National Merit Scholarship list and Brentwood has 3 students who are on that list? Benjamin Helyer is a semi-finalist, Tara Whitaker is a Commended Student, and Lauren Weilemann is a Commended Student!  Congratulations to these brilliant Bears!

Did you know Mia Fluitt is our Spelling Bee champion and Tessa Whitaker is our Geography Bee champ?

Did you know that the 2016-17 SAT collective scores of our Bears were 1290 compared to 1070 nationally and 1020 for Texas?

Did you know the Bears, according to Niche, had the second highest SAT scores in central Texas?

Lauren and Tessa National Merit Commended Students

Did you know that last year the Bears collective ACT scores were 23.9 compared to the Texas average of 20.7?

Did you know that 37.94% of our Bears participate in Art, 34.65% in Band, 37.5% in Choir, and 39.69% in Drama?

Did you know 72.15% of our Bears participate in Athletics?

Did you now that last year’s 59 BCS graduates received $3,129,872 in scholarships?  BCS gave out $612,371 in Financial Aid and Family Discounts.  That is quite a return on educational investment!

Mia Fluitt Spelling Bee Champion

Did you know our parents logged 11,333 VIP hours (and those are just the hours we counted)?

Did you know that BCS has a 100% college acceptance rate?

Did you know BCS student body has an ethnic diversity rate of 36%?

Did you know 18 different congregations representing 9 different denominations/faiths have at least 4 families represented at BCS?

Did you know BCS students represent 16 different denominations/faiths according to parents?

Tessa Whitaker Geography Bee Champion

Did you know BCS 463 families live in 52 different zip codes?

BCS is made up of brilliant, diverse, athletic, artistic, and wonderful students who achieve at an exceptional level.  We are a community made up of people from different neighborhoods, different churches, yet we love the same God.  What a blessing it is to be together at this time and in this place to rejoice in the blessing of educating and nurturing and celebrating our children while together walking a path as Christ’s chosen in His name.  May God be pleased and may Christ be glorified in the hard work that is shown in the achievements listed above.


As I am sure you know, it is indeed a great day to be a Brentwood Bear!

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