Faith and Service

Leading Lives of Christian Leadership and Service

A bell rings at BCS

A bell rings at BCS. Most of the time this is the signal for students to leave one class and make their way to another, hopefully without arriving late. But once a week the bell rings, and students do not go to class.

They go to chapel.

Chapel is a time where students and faculty come together in worship. Throughout the year students hear messages and testimonies from Christians of various backgrounds. Chapel also gives students the chance to participate directly in the spiritual formation of the BCS community.

A Time For Community Praise and Worship

  • All-Community Chapel

    Once a month we come together as a community to worship. All students from every grade level, faculty, staff, parents, grandparents from far and wide watch and learn together. Our younger students are paired with older students, these chapel buddies sit together and over the year grow together. Ask any student from K4-12th grade and they will simply dote upon any chapel buddy they have had throughout the years.

  • Grade-Level Chapel

    Once a month high school students worship with the classmates in their grade and middle school students divide into girls and boys. The goals of this monthly grade-level chapel are to create a more intimate setting where deeper relationships can be formed, to provide students with opportunities for spiritual leadership, and to allow students to experience spiritual practices that are more challenging in a larger group.

Faith and Service