Valentine’s Day has commercialized on love and celebrates it in the form of heart-shaped candy and a dozen red roses, but love is bigger than just romance. Love is also a key component to living a life like Christ. The word love is mentioned in the Bible 310 times, so it has to be pretty important. Take a look at I Corinthians 13: 1-13 with me. This passage in the Bible starts off by discussing actions and good deeds that all will amount to nothing if we do them without love in our hearts. It describes love as everlasting, forgiving, and kind. Verse 13 ends by saying this, “And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.” So how do we show love to those around us? What does love look like on Brentwood’s campus?


To me, love at BCS looks like encouragement. During the Graduation Walk, the current Seniors walk the halls of their school as other students and teachers cheer for them and congratulate their soon to be success. The entire school takes time out of the busy day to celebrate the Seniors. They may not know each Senior personally, but they understand what an accomplishment this is, and they want to share their love and support for their fellow BCS Bear.


Love at BCS looks like the kind words and memories shared at graduation. The students at BCS experience something quite unique when they walk across the stage to accept their diploma. As their name gets called and they walk on the stage, a teacher they had gives a small speech to congratulate them and give some last pieces of advice. As a graduate of BCS myself, I still remember what was said to me during my graduation. It is a sweet moment that showcases how much the teachers root and care for the students that walk through the doors of their classrooms.


Love at BCS looks like the relationships fostered between all the grade levels. When the students gather in the auditorium for All School Chapel, something may look a little different. Little feet dangle next to bigger ones planted on the floor; all the students are intermingled throughout the pews. Chapel buddies give the students an opportunity to connect with someone whose path they would not normally cross. Students interact and show love by being patient and showing kindness to someone much younger or older than themselves. Often times, sweet friendships are built, and students get excited to see their buddy.


Love at BCS looks like the appreciation shown to grandparents on Grandparents Day. Brentwood dedicates a day to honoring grandparents and showing them what their grandchild is learning. Leading up to the special day, students show love by working hard preparing performances and class activities to do with their grandparents. It is all about spending quality time with family and having fun at the same time.


Love at BCS looks like send-offs for sports teams traveling to a playoff game. When a team is leaving for an important away game the school comes together to send them off with prayers and cheer. The BCS community shows tremendous support for the Bears and Lady Bears because they know how much the athletes appreciate the love. It inspires them and gives them a boost of confidence. The students show love for their teams by rejoicing in victory and comforting in a loss.


Love at BCS also looks like the service selflessly shown to the community. During Spiritual Emphasis Day students have the opportunity to show love to their community through different service projects. They also participate in a fundraiser called Money for Medicines to raise money to provide the people of Zambia with vitamins and medication. High school students also take time to help count the money that is donated. NHS members spend time serving the community in multiple ways such as visiting local schools, helping at food pantries, and putting on holiday parties and festivals at Rosedale School. The students at BCS show grace and love to others less fortunate than them and set aside time to give back.


Loving God and living and learning with Christ at the forefront are central to the mission of Brentwood and what better way to live like Christ than by showing love to others. What does love look like to you and how have you seen it at BCS?


With Love,

Kaylie Angello

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