Hello BCS Community,


We are mid-way through September and your BCS community is buzzing. From late night volleyball games to early morning cross country to mid-day recess – something is always happening at BCS. Hearing the rhythm of the drumline and the sounds of the pep band is a stark reminder that it is Fall and Friday Night Lights are coming. This Friday, Spirit 105.9 has chosen BCS as its spotlight campus and will be doing a remote from campus leading up to the game. Come and cheer on our Bears as we host our first Friday night home game of the 2018 schedule!


The other thing about this time of year is the constant reminder of why this community exists. These incredible students are a living testament to Christ’s words when he said, “whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven.” There are daily examples here of those who Christ said are His greatest, our kids, living and learning how to share His grace. Let me share two recent examples:


Our 8th grade class wanted to end the summer with a get together. My daughter Abbie decided that a swim party at our house was the perfect way to celebrate the ending of summer and it just so happened that it was also her birthday weekend so she would get to see her friends for her birthday. As the planning for the weekend commenced Abbie came to her mother and I and said she wanted to do something different. Rather than there being any presents at the party she wanted to challenge the 8th grade class to raise money for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital so that a child who is hurting can have a better day. Wow. What else do you say to a young lady who is saying, “don’t give to me, let’s help someone else”?


We fully embraced this laudable goal and Abbie and her friends challenged her classmates to really pray and think about how they could impact a child at St. Jude’s. The day of the party came and Abbie was hoping to raise a couple hundred dollars. After the last friend left and the gifts were counted, the BCS 8th grade class had raised over $600 for St. Jude’s. The collective gift went without an individual’s name and was instead sent on behalf of blessed young men and women representing the 8th grade class of Brentwood Christian School who wanted the blessings to be shared with a child at St Jude’s. What a way to end the summer!


Another example of Christ’s glory shining in our kids was sent to me by one of our 5th grade teachers, Evelyn Ellis. Here’s what Mrs. Ellis sent:


“I have a new student who started in my class this morning. I was told yesterday afternoon that she might start today or Monday.  So before I left, I started gathering the supplies she would need like a desk, chair, textbooks, etc.


The reason I’m sharing this with you is because of what I watched this morning.  As this new student arrived and brought in the supplies she had, her new classmates surrounded her and began to help her organize her supplies and books so that she could be prepared.  They soon discovered that some of her supplies would not work for what would be required.  Without missing a beat, one student provided her with a new binder, another supplied notebook paper, many helped with getting everything organized.  I worried at first that she might be overwhelmed with their eager kindness, but the look on her face told me she was just drinking in the kindness and love of her new classmates.  We are not finished with getting her set up, but I have no doubt, that she will feel at home through the process.


It almost brings me to tears as I type this thinking about the Christ-like love and compassion our students show others.  I am so grateful for all the teachers who have influenced the hearts of these students.  It is why working here is such a blessing.” – Mrs. Ellis


What else is there to say other than what a blessing and our Lord must be pleased.


May God bless BCS because it is a good day to be a Bear!


Jay Burcham
Brentwood Christian School

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