
Elementary K-3rd
Art class for K-3rd grade is a place of color and creativity. Students learn art is a gift from God and that there is beauty in everything. Students learn about classifications of color, painting and drawing techniques, space and depth, various artists and their styles, and much more. These techniques are presented each year as building blocks from one year to the next. Students will improve and develop new fine motor skills. Students learn to take chances and be expressive in art, learning how to turn a mistake into a masterpiece.


Elementary 4th & 5th
The 4th & 5th grade art class will build upon techniques learned in the previous years as well as introduce art elements and art principles both for use in creating work as well as viewing art. Student work is displayed during the year and encompasses a variety of subject matter and materials.


Junior High
Junior High Art is a combined class of students in both 7th and 8th grade. The class is an elective and meets for one hour every other day. Students are challenged to learn the art elements and art principles and to use them as they create. They participate in discussions and critiques of their work, as well as the work of others and learn that art theories and concepts are based on principles underlying the world God created.


Art I
Art I is an introduction to art with an emphasis on art elements and art principles, it is designed so a student without an art background can learn basic foundational skills and vocabulary. Students meet for one hour every other day and concentrate on developing skills. Students primarily work in dry mediums, experimenting with the differences of materials. Art history is used to introduce techniques and open discussion to its role in influencing Christianity. Students are expected to view art work at museums, galleries, or student shows. Art I students may participate in TAPPS and are encouraged to submit at least one piece.


Art II
Art II has a prerequisite of Art I and is available to students in 10th through 12th grade. The class is offered on an every-other-day basis and is one hour in length. Students are expected to be able to use art elements and art principles in the creation of their work and when talking about works of art. Students are introduced to a broader range of mediums and techniques allowing them an opportunity to develop a direction of interest. Art History is used to discuss in greater depths various art techniques and allow continued discussion about the relationship of art and Christianity. Students are expected to view art work at museums, galleries, or students’ shows. Art II students are expected to participate in TAPPS and are encouraged to submit one or more pieces in the competition.


Contract Art
Contract Art prerequisites include Art I, Art II, and teacher approval. Students must demonstrate a working knowledge of the art elements and art principles and be able to work independently. Students attend class for one hour every other day during an Art I or Art II time slot but generally require additional time outside of class to complete their work. Students write a proposal of work they will complete with deadlines and have it approved by the teacher. They critique their own work and the work of others and mentor students in Art I and Art II. It is expected that they will view at least two art displays in either museums or galleries, or will view other students’ work and provide a written critique of the show. Contract students are required to participate in the TAPPS and TCSIT competitions and develop a personal portfolio.

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