The week of October 23-27 was BCS Elementary’s 25th annual Children’s Book Week. This week is a celebration of books and reading across our elementary campus. This special week is also a celebration of the conclusion of our annual Young Authors’ Contest – also in its 25th year. During Children’s Book Week classes participate in many fun activities around reading and writing books including:

  • Special author visits
  • Sharing student written books with their class
  • Book–ins (extended silent reading times in class with comfort items such as pillows, blankets and stuffed animals.)
  • Shared reading between younger classes and older classes

Those students who chose to write their own book for the Young Authors’ contest have a chance to share their work with their classmates. Participants have a reward party during the week, with a magic show and refreshments. Writers are also showcased at our Young Authors’ Assembly where each participant receives recognition for their story. Awards such as “Best Animal Story”, “Best Travelogue” and “Overall Excellence” are announced at the assembly. We had 112 writers turn in books this year in grades Kindergarten – 5th grade.

This year we had an author visit from Carmen Oliver. Ms. Oliver is a local author of the picture book Bears Make the Best Reading Buddies. She spoke to the students about how reading and writing are connected and the best way to be a writer is to be a reader.

Another local author visited the 4th grade classes. Mrs. Janice Shefelman spoke to the students about her book A Paradise Called Texas, as well as many others that she has written. The 4th graders read several of her historical fiction novels as part of their Texas History curriculum. Mrs. Shefelman has visited with BCS 4th graders for many years. Sadly, this was the first year that she came alone, without her late husband Tom. He illustrated most of her books and visited BCS with Mrs. Shefelman for many years until he passed away last December. The 4th graders love to hear about Mrs. Shefelman’s process of writing and how she comes up with ideas for new books.

It was a fun, busy week filled with great books. We look forward to our 26th Annual Young Authors’ Contest and Children’s Book Week in 2018.

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