“For the spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline.”

This is our theme verse for the year and this verse, found in 2 Timothy 1:7, is a wonderful match for this incredible student body and faculty.  When this verse was chosen for the theme for the year, it was very purposefully chosen because we want our students to continue to grow, develop and understand their absolute gifts that our Lord has given them.  They are blessed with skills, knowledge, and gifts that give them power and if they direct these gifts with love and maintain them with self-discipline they will never have to be timid in their gifts or in the Lord’s service.

Let me share how they are making this come true:

  • Over the summer, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Mallett and Dr. Sloan worked diligently to apply for a highly sought after grant opportunity with the University of Texas Cockrell School of Engineering’s Engineer Your World This program provides curriculum, lab costs offset, CEU training, and direct support for the implementation of engineering programming on high school campuses that meet the rigor requirements.  This was a very competitive process and Brentwood Christian School was one of the first awards. I am thrilled to announce that we will be introducing our first engineering classes on campus next fall.  Many more details will be coming in the days ahead, but this is a serious accomplishment by our Science Department and recognition of both qualities of faculty and offerings. Congratulations to our faculty as STEM continues to improve and excel at BCS!  The award letter can be found here.


  • Speaking of STEM, on Friday, March 23rd BCS will be hosting the “Masters of Science and Engineering Day” as well as the “Forensic Science Challenge.” Sometimes when you are here every day you forget how incredibly blessed you are to have such creative and instructive people on our campus, but I will share with you that this day is something very special and I encourage you to mark it on your calendar now and plan to observe the thrills of science and the subtleties of forensics.


  • In case you haven’t seen “The Little Mermaid” – run, don’t walk, run to the ticket window and get your tickets. I took a large group this past Saturday night, and I can honestly say that this is one of the best productions I have ever seen.  The cast, crew, and musicians are fantastic.  The incorporation of the dancers with the finding of new talent is something to behold.  But I have to share that my favorite thing about this play happened on the sidelines.

My son is not in the play; he is in the production crew.  This means that he has helped build the props, and in between sets he helps move the sets for the next scene.  He wears black so that you don’t see him, as do the other production crew members who labor behind the scenes.  During the show, he and Gavin Damra snuck out and came into the audience and sat in the aisle beside me.  He wanted to be sure I was paying attention and in my seat for the scene that was about to unfold.  The scene was DeanAlan Wiginton as the blood-lusting chef and Lorenzo Rivera’s Sebastian as the crab trying to escape the chef’s boiling pot.  Hunter, my son, and Gavin were on their feet cheering and laughing, along with the rest of the student body throughout this incredible scene – and it was incredible.  Now, there were hugely talented show-stopping performances throughout this play; from Adrie Gruis’ spot-on Ariel, to Paul Stanglin’s Prince Eric, to MaeAnne Herring’s Eel, to Merideth Mallett’s Ursula, to Genevieve Graessle’s Flounder to the Lady Bellas dancing – and this is me leaving out too many!

But DeanAlan and Lorenzo were absolute surprises, and they nailed it.  They received huge applause from their fellow students and it was genuine appreciation.  Afterwards I was visiting with DeanAlan’s dad, Tad, and was gushing over DeanAlan’s performance and he said something about the coming football game and the great year my son Hunter has been having.  That is when it hit me how special Brentwood is.  Where else do you have a place where the students get to be on the football team, and in the band, and in the play, and in choir, and find the opportunity to shine?  Where else does one of the stars of the football team stand in the shadow of the play, and then comes into the audience to cheer on one of the stars of the play with equal fervor, just like one of the stars of the play will cheer on one of the stars of the football team when he scores a touchdown on Friday night?  This is what makes Brentwood so special.  Our kids have the opportunity to find their chance to shine, and when they do they let their light shine and God is glorified and their fellow students rejoice with them.  That is special!

  • As we end the first quarter of the year, we have a couple of exciting athletic opportunities unfolding. Our volleyball team is in district play and is moving closer to hosting the first round of playoff games.  When this happens, we need you in the stands making the Bear Den the best home court possible!  Congratulations Lady Bears!


  • The Bear football team is travelling to Boerne this Friday to take on state-ranked Boerne Geneva. There is a lot on the line and a win gives the Bears an inside track to, not only the playoffs, but potentially hosting round one of the playoffs.  There is still a lot of football to be played but our Bears need your support both on the road and at home.


  • Finally, next Wednesday is our All-School Chapel and we want you to join us. BCS is changing our monthly All-School Chapel to our monthly “All-Community Chapel.”  Chapel will be at 8:10am in the auditorium on Wednesday October the 25th.  We will also be livestreaming our All-Community Chapels, so if you can’t join us in person be watching for an announcement about how you can join us online.  We would love for you to come be a part of our time together in worship and prayer and community!


It’s a great day to be a Brentwood Bear!

Jay Burcham

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