Elementary Information

Year-by-Year Focus & Goals

The BCS elementary school curriculum is specially designed to develop young children academically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually. Year-by-year focus and goals are as follows:

Kindergarten-4 >> The preschool year is a time when many children are transitioning from the home to a full-day classroom environment. Our goal is to see every child meet their potential in the classroom as well as to see each child grow in the knowledge that Jesus loves them.  We pray that each day provides ample opportunity for God to be glorified in all we do and say.

Kindergarten >> – A firm foundation is provided in this monumental year. Teachers make the transition from home to classroom a smooth and pleasant one, using a challenging, age-appropriate curriculum to usher young learners into the world of school.

1st Grade >> – New beginnings are a hallmark of the first grade. The teachers’ goal is to lead all students to become strong readers, gain a grasp of basic mathematical concepts, develop positive study habits, and come to understand more about God’s love for us.

2nd Grade >> – Second grade is a building year, building upon the basic skills learned in the first grade. Students expand their knowledge of subject areas, develop confidence and proficiency in basic skills, and study a wider arc of subjects from God’s world.

3rd Grade >> – Third grade bridges the gap between primary and upper elementary classes. Students learn to write in cursive, master the multiplication and division tables, read and study from their individual Bibles, and experience great emotional and spiritual growth.

4th Grade >> – Great change and growth are hallmarks of the fourth grade. Teachers encourage students to focus on God’s guidance as they stretch fourth graders into developing more personal initiative, better organizational skills, and stronger critical thinking skills.

5th Grade >> – Students reach new levels of physical ability, have longer attention spans, and are able to grasp deeper intellectual concepts in the fifth grade. Teachers help them reason about right and wrong and move toward developing greater personal responsibility. Participation in competitive athletics and selection of fine arts specialties begins this year.

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