The 10th Grade Experience

Academically and Spirituality

The sophomore teachers support sophomores academically and spiritually. Academically, the focus is on critical thinking, time management, and enhanced group interaction. Spiritually, the emphasis is on gratitude and reaching out to students who seem to be on the fringe. Time is spent on assessment and to help sophomores meet these goals. See the full 10th Grade Curriculum Summary and Subject by Subject Mission.

Ms. Marks – This is one of the many World History eLearning lessons given during our time of online learning in Spring 2020.

Ms. Pamplin – This is one of the many Chemistry eLearning lessons given during our time of online learning in Spring 2020.

Goals for 10th Grade:

  • Developing global awareness
  • Exhibiting leadership within their class
  • Identifying and classifying moral reasoning
  • Experiencing spiritual practices
  • Recognizing their God-given talents.


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